Man Caves and She Shacks: Your Personal Retreat
For a long time, the “man cave” held a singular position in the creation of private space in the home. It was erroneously believed that men were the only members of the family who needed a fortress of solitude. Things have changed, and today both men and women are looking for places to retreat in their own homes. While man caves are still common, “she shacks” are becoming more popular. Let’s take a quick look at what you can use these spaces for in your home.
In popular culture, male retreats revolve around such pastimes as sports, while any space for women is presumably dedicated to a quiet space to do something like knit. But don’t limit yourself! The possibilities are endless so use your imagination and create a fabulous personal space that suits your needs. The following activities are suitable for both man caves and she shacks:
- Sports: Design the room around your favorite sports team, and if your partner isn’t also a fan, you can watch the games uninterrupted.
- Crafting:Scrapbooking, knitting, sewing or art are all contemplative tasks that are sometimes better with solitude. Plus, you’ll have a place out of the way to store your supplies.
- Reading: Sometimes you just want to be by yourself and curl up with a good book. A nice backyard retreat could be a perfect spot for this.
- Game room: Maybe you enjoy having your friends over for a fun poker game and a few beers. This way you don’t disturb the rest of the household.
- Workshop: Maybe you do woodworking, metalworking or other equipment-heavy hobbies in your house. This can keep the mess out of the main living space and give you plenty of room to work.
- Yoga or dance: Of course, a wide-open space with great lighting, mirrors and mats is perfect to keep yourself active and engaged with a regular yoga or workout routine.
What would you do if you had your own household retreat? We’d love to know!